Bandle City

The Tea Maker

The Tea Maker

Bandle City Bandle City - Unit Unit
Ashane was once a renowned tea maker before finding herself lost in Realm’s End. While experimenting with new flavors, an unfortunate blend of two leaves had put her into a deep sleep--she dreamed strange dreams about odd creatures and impossible structures, silhouetted against an endless horizon. But upon waking, she discovered it had been no dream at all.

Κάρτες στην Τράπουλα

Περιοχές Champions Δημοφιλία Ποσοστό Νικών
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M.O. Αντιγράφων
Ρυθμός νίκης όταν είναι στην τράπουλα
Ρυθμός νίκης όταν το τραβήξεις

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